Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011


2.1.      Tourism Industry
Tourism industry areas mean the area that consists of tourism facilities as hotel, restaurant, bar or other tourism industry infrastructures.
Everyone knows and needs recreations, refreshing, traveling in their favorite place or location that they had memory with someone else or they want enjoy leisure time after they had hard work.
To accommodate all of their needs above, there is an industry that can accommodate it all, that can information about beautiful places, romantic places, important places, transportation to go there, accommodation, cost and others. That industry we called tourism industry and it operates in orders and services.
Tourism Industry/ Hospitality industry has the great and the most famous service industry in the world, every country and every nation has tourism industry included Kuta south Lombok, central Lombok regency, West Nusa Tenggara province.
By the multiplier effect, tourism industry/ hospitality industry has makes kinds of new fieldwork with entangling million of employment. That is one of main reason why that most of country in the world become tourism industry as pre-eminent sectors in increasing the foreign exchange and economic growth (Bagyono, 2005).
Tourism has been variously described as a mirage a phenomenon connected with the leisured society at play and no less and industry than iron and steel manufacture in its environmental impact.
Tourism industry is the corps from every kind of companies which collectively yield the services and goods especially tourists required and travelers in general, during its journey (Yoeti, 1985: 9).
Other definition, Tourism industry is an organizational formation; it can be governmental or private sector which related in developing product and marketing a service product which fulfilling the traveler requirement (Kusudianto, 1996:11).
Tourism is all things that related with tourism activity (Yoeti, 1997 : 194). Someone who had traveler, enjoy their leisure time, recreation or visited the tourism object called tourist. And it can be domestic or international tourist. And in every tourism industry place in the world included in Kuta south Lombok, there are facilities as infrastructure, transportation and other supplementary of its.

1.5.1.      Kinds of Tourism Industry
Generally kinds of tourism industry consist of
1.      Travel Agent, Travel Bureau, Tour Operator (Travel Service Industry)
The third kinds of industry above in principle are same, which is operating in travel sector.
2.      Tour Guide
It’s usually in travel bureau, however it can be self-supporting, as in a tourism object there are tour guide which unrelated with travel bureau. They are constituted of legal tour guide group.    
3.      Tourism Information Service
Tourism Information service is kind of industry or business which operate in giving the tourist information about the tourism object, accommodation, restaurant, transportation and others. It can be in governmental sector or in private sector.
4.      Meeting and Conference service
In this sector on preparing the meeting facilities, seminar, conference and others it can be organized prepare the location with meeting facilities as sound system, LCD projector, decoration and others.
5.      Restaurant, Bar and Cafeteria
The third sector above is self-supporting business activity or cluster with hotel. However in generally those sectors are cluster with hotels included the tourism industry in Kuta South Lombok.
6.      Transportation.
In transportation service sector consist of land, sea and air. The company of air transportation covering the Airways, while in lands covering the bus services, Taxi Company, and in sea sector consists of general travel and tourism travel.  
7.      Accommodation
The accommodations sector is operate in serve the guest who need rent the lodging in short or long time. Kind of lodging can be hotel, motel, apartment, guest house, hostel, cottage, bungalow and others.
8.      Laundry and Dry Cleaning
Laundry and dry cleaning sector to serve the tourists who need laundry and dry cleaning.
9.      Massage
This sector is not new comer in hotel; the guest can enjoy the massage service it can in the beach or rooms. Kinds of massage start at customary massage, reflection massage, and the beauty massage.
10.  Baby Sitting
If the tourist has busy with their family while their time is limited so that they can used this place whereas there are professional baby sitter in the tourist need it. For these services, usually there is no permanent worker, but daily worker or casual worker.  
Every region of tourism area there is kinds and strategy to develop the tourism industry. Generally kind of tourism industry consist of accommodation, foods (traditional food or international food), transportation and others, it’s develop according to the tourism object.

1.5.2.      Tourism Object
The main reason why that the tourism industry developed continually in around the world included in Kuta south Lombok because it has multiplier effect, that effect are covering other industry as such handicraft industry, hotel, restaurant, transportation (sea, land and air) and also telecommunications. By thus effect can increase the income of societies because there are fieldworks for them, so that the unemployment can be decrease by it.
The development of tourism industry in Kuta south Lombok by juridical began since 1989 with the decree of governor West Nusa Tenggara province number: 2 in 1989, specify that there are 15 tourism area in West Nusa Tenggara divided into 2 island which are 9 area (tourism object) in Lombok island such as Senggigi, Gile Gede, Suranadi, Kuta, Selung Belanak, Sade (Rambitan), Gili Indah, Rinjani Mount, and Gili Sulat. While there are 6 area (tourism object) in Sumbawa island (Dwi Sudarsono & friends, 1999: 4).
Kuta is one of tourism object located in south Lombok Pujut district central Lombok regency, West Nusa Tenggara province. This area has very potentials to developing of tourism industry/ hospitality industry because this area with white sand and beautiful of virgin panorama also supported by custom, culture and language which friendship societies.
Besides the virgin and beauty of panorama in Kuta, every a years there is custom ceremonial in this countryside. That custom ceremonial is called “Bau Nyale” or core event “Bau Nyale” (catching Nyale). In this ceremony everyone free join it. Catch nyale mean people are going to sea looking for Nyale in early morning about 05 am until 06 am. And that ceremony comes from the legend story in Kuta south Lombok, at previous time in Sekar Kuning Palace there is a beautiful lady and she the one beautiful lady Lombok island names “Putri Mandhalika” (Mandhalika Princess), every prince fall in love and want to marry with her, at that times Mandhalike Princess confused to chose of them, if she choose one of them there will be big war in Lombok. One day when Mandhalika princess enounce to the entire prince which of them will be marry with her. In early morning all prince and people are waiting for her choice, when she came and stand to mountain at Seger Beach Kuta south Lombok, she told to all of prince and people in this location, she say “well… to all of prince and citizenry, I love you all and I belief that you are love me, so at this time the date of 20th, month 10 (Sasak calendar), and start at now who want meet with me you should come at this place at that date and month in every year” after this she jump to the sea and disappears, all of them looking for her in the sea and they found Nyale (kinds of worm named nyale) and at the time Kuta famous called Mandhalika beach.
Mandhalika beach is appropriate name of Kuta south Lombok, because the beautiful panorama, that’s makes the tourists want stay for long time at this place it consist of domestic or international tourist. Besides that other culture and traditional music, surfing area, diving are, fishing area very support and potentials for tourism object.
As same as in the tourism object in the world, Kuta souths Lombok also there are consist of 3S in tourism object that is Sun, Sea and Sand. Its support by governmental program in tourism department to develop tourism industry with seven charms tourism (Sapta Pesona Wisata) that is; safe, orderly, clean, cool, beautiful, friendly, and memory (Bagyono, 2005:18)
Tourist come visit to a place because of them interesting in that place. Something that makes tourist interest to visited the tourism object; it can be a beautiful beach, view, culture, traditional music also local language.
In principle, a fascination tourism object must be fulfilling three requirements as such;
  1. Something to see.
The tourism object should minimally nice view in order to the tourist interesting and they want stay for long time in that place it can be beautiful panorama, custom attraction, traditional music or live music, custom ceremonial and other.  
  1. Something to do.
In order to make tourist comfortable and enjoying their visiting, in tourism object there should have something that they done, as such there is a recreation area, barbeque are, or maybe they want to learn about culture or local language.
  1. Something to buy
Facilities that for the tourists shopping in general the individuality the icon of this tourism object it can be souvenirs, handicraft, hand-weaving sarong, traditional food and other.
An object and tourism fascination can classify into three tourism objects;
  1. The Nature Tourism Object; as such sea, beach, mount, lake, fauna, flora, patronage area, preserve, view or panorama and other.
  2. The Cultural Tourism Object; as such birth ceremony, traditional dance, traditional music, traditional heritage, traditional sarong hand-weaving, traditional wedding, cultural festival, local tradition, and other.
  3. The Brand Tourism Object; as such tools and sport facilities, games, recreational park, mall or shopping center, national park and other.    
The best-known place on the south coast is Lombok's Kuta Beach (Sometime spelt Kute Beach) a magnificent stretch of white sand and blue sea with rugged hills rising around it, famous for its surfing spots.
Kuta Beach Lombok attracts visitors for its beautiful virgin beaches and surfing spots. Surfers from all over the world find Kuta Lombok as a surfer paradise. South coast of Lombok is famous for the high waves and Kuta Lombok is a good base for the surfers. Kuta south Lombok is very potential to develop of tourism industry, because it consist of the three tourism object and fulfilling the three requirements, in this area there are something to see, to do and to buy and that also the main reason of developing tourism industry in Kuta south Lombok supporting by  seven charms tourism (Sapta Pesona Wisata).

1.5.3.      Supplementary Factors of Tourism Industry
West Nusa Tenggara province is located in gold triangle whereas in western Bali island, northern is Tana Toraja and in eastern is Komodo National Park (Yuniarti T & Emi Salamah, 1993), so that it’s potential to develop the tourism industry. West Nusa Tenggara province has positioned the tourism industry as second pledge sector after agricultural sector. Besides that in national scale this province as sixth tourism destination after Bali, Jakarta, North Sumatera, Yogyakarta, and Batam.
In generally, one of the purposes in developing tourism industry in West Nusa Tenggara is to increase the continuity forms of traditional culture, art expression, the valuable history places and cultural. Because of the main motivation of tourists come to a tourism area or to other place is to get knowledge, increase their experience passing the culture, tradition, and daily activities of other societies (De Cuellar, 1996:56).
By the illustrated above, one of the supplementary factor tourism is culture, the existence of it is supporting by local language and it’s in cultural tourism objects. Besides that other supplementary factors of tourism industry are;
a.       Tourism Vehicle
Tourism vehicle is the facility and company that given services to the guests/ tourists as directly or indirectly. The tourism vehicle consist of
-                Travel company as such; travel agent, travel bureau, and tour operator.
-                Transportation company as such especially tourism transportation.
-                Hotels and other accommodations
-                Bar, restaurant, cafeteria, and foods industries
-                Tourism fascinations.  

b.      Tourism Infrastructure
Tourism infrastructure is all of the main facilities or basically enabling of tourism vehicle that can life and develop within giving services to the guests/ tourists.
The tourism infrastructure covering;
-                Liaison infrastructure as such; roadway, bridge, bus station, railway and railway station, air port, and harbor.
-                The installation of electric power station and sterile water installation.
-                Oil fuel refinery.
-                Irrigating system for agriculture, ranch, and plantation.
-                Banking system an monetary.
-                Telecommunication system as such; phone, pos, telegraph, facsimile, telex, email and others
-                Health infrastructure as such; hospital and public health centre.
-                Security, educational, and entertainment.

c.       Tourism object/ tourism destination
Without tourism object there is no tourism industry, because tourism object very important thing in tourism industry. However the most important to developing tourism industry in Indonesia and especially in Kuta south Lombok is cultural. Besides that, the existence of culture supporting by local language,  after the culture also the beach, view, sea, sun and others.

1.5.4.      The Tourism Industry Effect.
In global ranking, nowadays tourism industry has an important industry in gross domestic product (GDP) contribution for a country and this industry area is for increase the local earning (PAD).
For decades tourism industry growth has been a major contributor to increased economic activity throughout West Nusa Tenggara province of Indonesia and the world. It has created jobs in both large and small communities and is a major industry in many places. It is the dominant economic activity in some communities. Yet, the impacts of tourism to a community are not widely understood – even where tourism is growing dramatically and should be of the greatest interest or concern.
Most people think of tourism in terms of economic impacts, jobs, and taxes. However, the range of impacts from tourism is broad and often influences areas beyond those commonly associated with tourism. Leaders as well as residents who understand the potential impacts of tourism can integrate this industry into their community in the most positive way.
The impacts of tourism can be sorted into seven general categories such as; (1) Economic, (b) Environmental, (c) Social and cultural, (d) Crowding and congestion, (e) Services, (f) Taxes, (g) Community attitude
As the impacts of tourism industry mention above also there also has multiplier effect in gross national product (GNP), gross domestic product (GDP) so that, in generally the tourism industry can be secure and prosperous of the societies, however we should have to realize that, the other possible effect will be arise by the tourism industry, it can be in life style, social culture, environmental, social life, community, even unconsciously also it has effect to local language.
The tourism industry can affect more than one aspect especially in the tourism industry area; one of the aspects is local language. Because of in every region in Indonesia there is minimally a local language especially in Kuta south Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara Province, in this tourism industry area used the Sasak language as local language (mother tongue) which “meriaq-meriku” dialect. Kinds of tourism impact/effect in local language can be in code switching and code mixing process happened in this tourism industry area. As language function in basically is for communication by someone else or community, so that it susceptible affects in every new situation changes.
e.g. normally; mbe         eaqm laiq    iku    semeton ?
                        Where     will go         that    brother/ sister
                      (Where are you going brother/sister?)

   However, after the tourism industry until now in Kuta south Lombok there is effect in using language especially in daily activity the Sasak community in this area used the code switching and code mixing in their communicating.
e.g. Where are you going-em iku    bro?  
      Where are you going   -    that  brother ?
      (Where are you going brother?)

From the both example are same meaning and purpose, they want to ask to their friend’s where did he/she go, however because the situation changes so that they also used the local language different then before tourism industry exist in this place.
The Sasak community who lived around the tourism industry area in Kuta south Lombok work as guide, seller, hotel staff, surf trainer, fisherman, rental of motor bike and so on. Because of their job as serve the tourists in everyday in order to they usually used the bilingual or multilingual in their interaction especially with guest/ tourist. So, when they have interaction with their community code switching and code mixing automatically happen, because of the effect of their daily activity.
e.g. Senap           : go home nteh karin-en bro
                              go home let                  brother (let’s go home)
       Jery              : just moment kembeq bro
                             Just moment  why      brother ( just moment brother)                                                                                              
Above conversation instead that, code mixing among Sasak community who use local language (Sasak language) around tourism industry, in form of clause because it is consist two or more words.

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