Jumat, 09 Desember 2011





EID 004 016



Praise thanks  be to allah SWT, who give we all much pleasant as health and opportunity pleasant so that this papers can finished.
Further more, I express my thanks to Mr. Syahrial rubama who give me or tough me about morphology etc, to my parents who give me support to finished this papers and to all of my friends.
This papers discussing about prefixes in morphology of sasak language compare with prefixes in English language but this paper complete yet so that I accept the suggestion and critical from reader that can be complete this papers.

Mataram, ……………… 2006



EID 004 016


Cover..............................................................................................                 I
Preface............................................................................................                 ii
Table of contents..............................................................................                 iii
Unit I Introduction.............................................................................                 1
q  Background
Unit II Prefixes in morphology of sasak language................................                 2
q  Prefixes.........................................................................                 2
Unit III Conclusion............................................................................                


A.     Background
Morphology is the study of morphemes and their arrangements in forming verb. Morphemes are the minimal meaningful unit, which may constitute Words or part of words or part words.
The principles analysis’s:
-          descriptive analysis must be based on the what people say
-          The form are primary, and the usages secondary
-          No part of language can be adequately described without reference to all other parts
-          Languages are constantly in the process of change identification of morphemes.
Morphemes as minimal units,  isolating of morphemes by comparing forms.
Definition of morphemes bloom fields ‘a Linguistic form which bears no partial phonetic - semantic resemblance is any other form is ...………….            a morphemes. Or morpheme is the smallest unit language and the minimal meaningful it can be content words are affixes, suffix, prefixes etc.
Example: pen à free morpheme in English but if the word pen add 5 ‘ pens” à 5 here is bound morpheme.
Example: “ajah” teach à free morpheme and if ‘ teajah” is bound morphemes the function of prefix te here is passive maker. Tekamah ‘teaches” in English passive maker is to be + V3.
In Sasak language there are forms of clash word are affixes, repeat ion/repeating, and compounding but In English there is no repeating/ repeat ion.
Affixation In sasak language, based on the position is consist of prefixes, infixes, and suffixes beside that also conffixes (a combination prefix and suffix) But in this paper just discussing about prefix in morphology of sasak language compare with prefixes in English language.


There are prefixes in Sasak language N, N, Te, pe-, be-, ah, ke, and, se. Prefixes in English with common prefixes new verbs in academic English are; re, dis, over, un, out, and most common prefixes to forms new nouns are co, and sub.

-          Form
Prefixes N1 has variation form  (allomorph) are/m-/m, /n-/,ny -/ng/, f /, r./ allomorph/m.-/appears in form which started by / P/and/ b/ which/P/assimilated and /b/sometimes not assimilated.
v  pantok [pantok] ‘hit’ à mantok [mantok] is active verb.
v  Bir [biyur] ‘noisy’ à mbiurang [mbiyuran] ‘make noise‘ In English prefix dis – the function is change the meaning.
In English prefixes dis- the visible à disappear mean lost.
Allomorph /n-/ appears in form which started by consonant /d,t / consonant /t/ assimilated and/d/ not assimilated.
Example: tambah [tambah] hoe ‘ à nambah [nambah]
Be engaged in hoeing ‘the function of n here is change the class word from noun word to verb. In English we find prefix un-meaning is reverses the meaning of verb that is just change the meaning.
Example. Couple à uncouple.
Delet [d/ t] lick à ndelet [ndar] licked Allomorph/n-/appears in form which started by dorsovelar component which assimilated on /k/.
v  araq  [ara’] there is one à ngaraqang [nara? ah ]’ arranged
v   Gaweq                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  [gawe  ?] do work ‘ à nggaweq (hgawe?]’
done, worked.’futhermore, allomorph/Ñ/appears in form which started consonant fronto palatal and hissing without sound/j/,c/./5/with assimilated of/5/c/.
v  Jenit [jamit] ‘pinch’ à nyjemit [Ñemit] ‘yank out’
In English there is no prefix as prefix above.
Did we know in dialect meriaq-meriqu, ngeno-ngeno-ngene, and meno mene, prefix n1 her allomorph / Ø/.
Alomorph/i/and/r/will be appearing in base morphemes which started by lateral sound/i/and vibrate consonant/r/ both them in sasak language with ngeto-ngete dialect.
v  Lembar [lmbar]à bear’àlembar [lmbar] carry on shoulders
v  Rantek [rantek] ‘chop à rantex [rantec] ‘circumcized’. Prefix pe-
Preffix pe_
1)       Preffix pe_with ahead of N1
a)       Form
When base morphemes started by bilabial consonant / b//p/ and prefix pe_ ahead of allomorph /m-/consonant/p/assimilated when base morphemes started by consonant is assimilated.
v  Beleq [bela?] nig àpembeleq [pembela?] leader the mean leader in English is the people who has been elected to lead in Sasak is pembeleq is leader too.
v  Denger [dahar] ‘listen à pendengar [pendahar] ‘listener’
v  TIUP [tiyup] ‘blow’ à peniup [peniyup] blow’ of prefix pe here verb and peniup [peniyup] ‘blow’ tiup here is verb and peniup is noun so the function of prefix pe here is change clause word from verb to noun, peniup mean something is used to blows. Appearly of that allomorph on base morphemes influence with first consonants which ahead base morphemes. The allomorphs on base morphemes influence with first consonant which ahead base morphemes influence with first consonant, which ahead base morphemes. The allomorph appears in homogen feacture with first consonant base word.
The allomorph that assimilated first consonant base word and without sound.

b)       Distribution
Prefix pe_who ahead of prefix n2 can be base morphemes, verbs, nouns, and conditional word.
c)       The function and meaning
Prefix pe_who ahead of prefix N2 has function to arrangements the nouns, as base word is verbs or conditional words (base word the meaning which this processare.
v  Expressing the tools of doing/working appropriate with the meaning of base form.
v  Expressing the people who has doing/working
2)       Prefix pet with no ahead N1
a.       Form
When prefix pe_is+ sticky on base morphemes which started by vibrate sound or lateral/r/,/i/form is not change.
v  raos [raos], word talkà peraos [paraos] much talking
v  Lakoq [lako?] ‘Ask à pelakoq [palako?] ‘Request’
when base  morphemes which started by vowel and nasal received morpheme / pe_/, morpheme/pe_/changed with /per_/
v  antiq [anti?] ‘Bring à perantiq (peranti?]Goods/things the word antiq is verb and perantiq is noun and the meaning perantiq here is things, goods. It means that someone who brings something and something here is perantiq.
v  Mbeng [mbeh] ‘give à permbeng ‘parmben] [resent, gift’ distribution.
b.       Distribution
Prefix pe_which no ahead of pre N1 can be followed by conditional words, verbs and numeral words.
c.       Function and meaning
The function of prefix pe_which no ahead of prefix N1 compose nouns from base word with base verb.
And the meaning is expressing result of act as expressing on base morphemes.

*   Preffix be_ ‘ber’
a.       Form
Preffix be-can be change form become ber_when started by vowel and nasal. Morphemes which started consonant except nasal not change the form if received prefix /be-/.
v  klambi [klambi], shirt, T-shirtà beklambi [baklambi], wearing shirt, t-shirt.
v  Talet [talat] plant à betalet [batalat] planting’
v  dait [dait] meet’à bedait [badait] ‘meet’
Other morphemes than change are …………
v   Atep [atap] roof à beratep [beratap]’ planting
v  Umbaq [umba?] carry (esp.children) à berumbaq
                      [Brumba?] Carry (esp.children).
                  In Sasak language with ngeto-ngete dialect used prefix be_         

b.       Distribution
Preffix be-can sticky on base morphemes verb, nouns and numeral words.
c.       Function and meaning
Preffix be-function is as framer verb from nouns and as framer verband and numeral word. The meanings are passers, throw, wearing as meaning on base morphemes which sticky also expressing activities about our selft when/be-/appears suffix-an the meaning is mutually.
Preffix ke-
a)       Form
When prefix ke- followed by base morphemes, which started by consonant sound except nasal, the form is not change:
v  Cecer [ccr] [scatter’à kececeran [kaccran] “scattered’
v  jepit [japit] clamp à kejepit [kajapit] ‘squazed’ In English over-, mean too much.
v  Book [bok] à overbook [ak] verb to sell more tickets on a plane or reserve more rooms in a hotel than there are places available.
When preffix [ke-] followed by base morphemes, which started by vowel sound, and nasal, the form is change become ker-
v  preffix be-meaning is make or cause
Friends [friends] a person you know well and like, and who is not usually a member of your family à
Be friend [bi’frend] to become a friend of somebody the meaning of befriends here is somebody who has just arrived in place or who needs your help.
v  Preffix de- meaning is do the opposite of ………….
Select [si’lekt] to choose somebody/something à de select [,di:si’lekt] computing to remove something from the list of possible choices on a computer, or if the local branch poley of segregation in aplace in which people of different races are kept separate in public places.
v  Distribution
Preffix ke-can be followed by base verband base noun
v  Function and meaning
Preffix ke-has function as arrange passive verb from base verb but in English language we find “ be + V3’ the function as passive maker.
v  Paleq [pale?] chase’ à kepaleq [kapale?] get caught up.
In English language.
Example: The book has been read by

2.5     preffix se-
Mostly the preffix se-is not assimilated /change form, but sometimes sting the vowel sound, where followed by base morphemes which started by vowel. Other dialect (Ngeto-ngete dialect using preffix ah-as replacement preffix which using with the same meaning.
v  Pulu [pulu] ‘ten’ à sepulu [sepulu] ten’
v  Atus [atur] ‘ houndred à status [status] ‘a houndred’
v  Pulu [pulu] ‘ten’ ah pulu [ah pulu] ‘ten’
b)       Distribution
Preffix se-or ah-can be followed by nous, numeral word and conditional word.
c)       Function meaning
Preffix se-or ah has no. Function because not change content/class word this preffix has one meaning.


A part of morphology in sasak language is prefix is sasak language variation form (allomorph) as preffix N1 with allomorph/ m-/n-/ny-/,/ng-//,/r/and a part of alomorph has assimilated an the other alomorph has not assimilated or change form as preffix se-.
Preffix se mostly not assimilated/change form, but sometimes lossing the vowel sound when it followed by base morphemes eventought other dialect used preffix ah-that is ngeto-ngete dialect as replacement preffix which same meaning. Preffix and it has one meaning.
Example: Pulu [pulu] à ‘Ten’ à sepulu [sepulu] ‘ten’ differences with preffix ke 0which the function as arrange passive from base verb, preffix be-which function as arrange the verb from hours, arrange verbs and numeral word etc.
Example: like à dislike
The function of preffix dis here is change the meaning, but not change the class word. The most common preffixs used to form new verbs in academics English are co, and sub.
So most preffixes in Sasak language are changed forms and have assimilation to other allomorph, the function is changed-form from noun to verb etc. but the preffixs in English most change the meaning and not change the class word as preffix in sasak language.


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