chapter presents the discussion about Background of Study, Research
Question, Purpose of Study, Significance of Study, Scopes and Limitation of Study,
and Definition
of Key Terms.
1.1.Background of the Study
The study of language in relation
with social factors is very fascinating. Language contact occurs in variety of
phenomena, including language convergence, borrowing, and relexification. The
most common product are pidgins, creoles, codeswitching, and mixed languages.
A Language is a system which
operates with symbolic vocal sounds and which is used by group of people for
the purposes of communication. According to Anderson, (1997:35) stated that
language is a system of sound, arranged from arbitrary symbols it has unique character.
Language is built up from our behavior; language is tool for communication, which
has interaction with our culture.
The overall people around the world
are used language for their communication and interaction. Most of them have a
mastery of more than one language, especially in Indonesia country. In Indonesia most
of the societies are using more than one language. There exists (in Indonesia) local
language (Bahasa
Daerah) and national language
(Bahasa Nasional).
Local language is the language that is
used in a region, ethnic language. i.e. Java language, Sudanese
language, and Batak language (Dendy Sugono, do et al, 2008:119).
In Lombok island, exist Base Sasak
(Sasak Language). According to Syahdan (1996:13) and Mahyuni (2006:1-2)
stated that, Base Sasak (Sasak Language) is one of the regional or local languages in Indonesia country. Sasak
(which is manifested in range of regional and social varieties) is spoken
primarily by about two million dengan Sasak ‘Sasak speakers’. Traditionally, Sasak
has been classified into five dialects negenó-ngené (central west coast and central east to north coast), menó-mené (around Praya, central Lombok), ngetó-ngeté
(around Suralaga and Sembalun), kutó-kuté
(around Bayan, north part of the island), meriaq-meriku
(south central area around Bonjeruk, Sengkol and Pujut).
The existence of local language (Sasak
language) especially at Kuta, Central Lombok and generally in West Nusa
Tenggara province, the continuity and also its authenticity should be defending
because it belong to national heritages. It is one of the assets to develop
tourism industry, because of Kuta central Lombok is one of tourism object in West Nusa
Tenggara Province.
In the meantime, local language is one of the important things to support the
existence of culture. However, because in this place most of the Sasak
community are bilingual (using both of Base Sasak and Bahasa Indonesia) and
it’s also support by the existence of tourism industry, where many tourists came
to visited this place and uses English. Hence, the often switch among them in
their daily interactions with their community also outside of their community,
and because of their habitation indirectly occur codeswitching, especially
among them (Sasak community at Kuta, Central Lombok).
Language as social phenomenon in
its usage not only determined by linguistic factors, but also determined by
non-linguistic factors, for example social and situational factors. The Social
factors that usages of language are social status, education level, age,
economic level, gender and so on. The Situational factor influence language, and
to whom someone converses. Language contact occurs in social situation contact;
as such the situation at the time of someone learns second language in society.
Social contact happened in everywhere including at Kuta, Central
Lombok, whereas the community or societies have interactions to each
Kuta is a Village located in south
Lombok, Pujut district central Lombok regency of West Nusa Tenggara province
with population about + 4000 people in year of 2009, divided into 14 sub
villages (Dusun) and it is predominated by Sasak community or Sasak ethnic
whereas they used Sasak language (base Sasak) as their first language (L1) with
“meriaq-meriku” dialect. Sasak community
is local society in this place.
Most of Sasak community at Kuta, Central Lombok usually are bilinguals or multilinguals, though
their first language is Sasak language (Base Sasak) with meriaq-meriku dialect. They use more than two languages because of
the situational factors.
In addition, beside for
communicative and interactive functions, language also serves as national or regional
identity. The fact that languages are not only objective, socially neutral
instruments for conveying meaning, but are linked up with the identities of
social or ethnic groups has consequences for the social evaluation of, and the
attitudes toward languages (Appel, 1987: 16).
Hence, Sasak language (Base Sasak)
is the identity of Sasak community who use it as first language (L1), and the
Sasak community at Kuta, Central Lombok are use
“meriaq-meriku” dialect. However,
because of bilingual and multilingual occur in this area in order to most of them
often using code switching in their daily interactions.
Many, especially more recent,
studies on codeswitching involve two or more languages which are typologically
different. The present of study, by contrast, involves an international
language, national language and local language (Bahasa Daerah),
whereas the local language here is Sasak language with “meriaq meriku” dialect spoken by Sasak community at Kuta, Central Lombok.
Generally, the Sasak community in
this area is familiar with other languages beside their native language (Sasak
language), those are Indonesia
language and English and they often use among them although in single
conversation (speech event).
In this study, the researcher is interested in studying about language
phenomenon that occurs among the Sasak community at Kuta, Central
This study is an attempt to
investigate the following questions below;
- What are the types of codeswitching among the Sasak community at Kuta central Lombok?
- What are the factors that contribute to the use of codeswitching among the Sasak community at Kuta central Lombok?
1.3.Purpose of the Study
In general, this study is aimed at observing
codeswitching among the Sasak community at Kuta, Central
Lombok. In particularly,
this study is intended to;
- describe the types of codeswitching among the Sasak community at Kuta central Lombok.
- describe some factors that motivate the speaker to use of codeswitching.
1.4. Significance
of the Study
The significances of this research
are expected to:
1.4.1. For the Researcher
researcher will learn and know more about codeswitching.
Especially the types, the factors and the functions
of codeswitching among the Sasak community at Kuta, Central Lombok.
The researcher can
improve his insight or understanding about codeswitching
The researcher can participate in giving knowledge contribution related to language theory especially in codeswitching
and other sociolinguistic aspects.
1.4.2. For the Reader and University
a. The reader will get more knowledge about sociolinguistic
aspect especially in codeswitching.
b. The result of the research will be an
additional literature which can be used by the next researcher in language and
art program especially in English department of Teacher and Training Education
Faculty, Mataram University.
1.5. Scopes and Limitation of the Study
Scopes of the Study
The scope of study in this research
is the use of codeswitching by Sasak speakers of “meriaq-meriku” dialect at Kuta village south Lombok, Pujut
district, Central Lombok regency of West Nusa Tenggara province, Indonesia.
Limitation of the Study
This study is limited to the
analysis of types, and factors that contribute to the use of codeswitching among
the Sasak community at Kuta, Central Lombok use
using Sasak language (Base Sasak) of “meriaq-meriku”
1.6. Definition of Key Terms
Before going to further, the researcher needs to define the terms and content used in this study to avoid any
possible misunderstanding and misinterpretation, and they are as follows;
Speech Community
The member of community speech
language in common. Language use
(Lyions 1970), frequency of interaction by a group of people (Bloomfield
1933:25-30; Hockett 1958; Gumperz 1962), shared rules of speaking and
interpretation of speech performance (Hymes 1972), shared attitude and values
regarding language forms and use (Labov 1972) and shared socio-cultural
understandings and presuppositions with regard to speech (Sherzer 1975) in
Saville-Troike (1989:16).
Codeswitching is a natural
phenomenon in bilingual and multilingual communities where two or more languages
come into contact (Syahdan, 1996:12), and according to Poplack, (2000)
Codeswitching is the alternation of two languages within a single discourse,
sentence or constituent.
sentential Codeswitching
switches occur between sentences, as their name indicates (Appel, 1987:118)
sentential Codeswitching
Intra-Sentential switches occur in
the middle of sentence as in ‘I start acting real CURIOSA.’ this type of
intimate switching is often called code mixing (Appel, 1987:118).
Tag-switches involve an
exclamation, a tag, or parenthetical in another language then rest of sentence
(Appel, 1987:118)
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