Senin, 12 Desember 2011



Autonomy has influenced the education world; this matter realized with applied the School Based Management Concept. This concept demands to the government to giving some of authority in leaning process at school. The government policy previously does not bothering the object from their policy. It is impressing the represent do not order in the education world. All of the decision applied universally without considering the condition of each area. And the result of that policy is the academic activity with inequality as such uncreative teachers, the headmasters fetch up by existing order, and the learner only mastering the materials as far as in their head but they can not apply it to the society environments. Though, we know that men require the education in their life. Education is the representing the effort so that men can improve their potency through learning process or other effort which well known and confessed by societies. In  based constitution 1945 in Indonesian country explained that every citizen having the right to get education. That is the main reason why The School Based Management Concept appears in Indonesia with directive with Competency Based Curriculum.
School Based Management Concept, is a new method to improve the quality of learning process at school in Indonesia. However, actually it adopted from same method which have been used by other country such as United State of America. The appearance of this concept is triggered by the education management at operational levels because lack of their right to manage the school with self-supporting. Our governments realize that not the entire out put in education sector neutral, it is very disappointing. Previously their policy about the education management, generally perform mounted by center government or some of vertical institutions and the school just accept it. So that they do not at all, about the in-depth every policy that applied is proper or there is political payload. Ironically, the headmaster and teacher must execute it all appropriate with executing and practical guide. Thus, the school as the place where the human resource casting was suppose like robot it must be doing something that command from the creator’s. So, they can not demonstrating, innovating and having creativity because that does not siding to the school management.
Started from this experiences and it parallel with execution of autonomous area. The School Based Management begins to apply. This program none other than effort to improve the error and the inertia from method, that was happen in the past This concept is representing of the coordination and compatible of resource with automatically done by the school management, through the management input to achieve the school destination in other to national education, with entangling the stake-holder with directly in decision process or participative.
As mentioned above, the School based Management Concept is representing of coordination and compatible of resource. The means of  word resource here is the kind of resource existing where the School location. The intent in order to the condition of learning process more applicative, efficient and relevant to learners affective, cognitive, and psychomotor. Which other word the knowledge that student’s get  on only theory but they also can apply to the society environments, because in fact we know that the learner mastering the materials but unfortunately they can apply it in their life, because the system or the methodology not support about how to applied it.
If we talk about the rationalization which one, of the important things in School Based Management Concept and before this concept emerge or applied so, the diatomic of subject between rationalization and recitative. There were match and natural science is categorize as rationalization while other subject as history, sociology and other are include as recitative only. Though all science and the subject coming from the idea and human rationalization. Therefore, it was doctrine from along time ago. It is enter into the societies and it is important to lose from their mind and that is one of the School Based Management Concept mission as contained in Competency Based Curriculum standard who specified by government and all of the student’s must be rationality and applicative do not recitative so that the affective, cognitive and psychomotor can achieve.
Difference between Central Based Management  and School Based management. where the School Based Management Concept is more transparent and realities then Central Based Management. Whereas the Central Based Management where all of decision and rule is decision by government. So that the School Based Management is better than Central Based Management Concept. The main reason is the human resource from an area different than B. Because in Central Based Management assuming all of the area are same and it is universal.
The School Based Management Concept is force the government to give the school management right to manage their school. The right how to manage about the school administration, learning method etc. Nevertheless the government have important role within School Based Management concept because even though each area was given right to manage their school but it is on the central government Corridor context’s.   
The government specifying the destination and education target. The schools have freedom to achieve that destination. All of them are entitled to having innovation and having experiment by using their own method and the other school has same right to do it or different activity appropriate with the condition of their school. As long as to achieve same standard which specified by government or National standard, where the national standard which specified by government include the facilities standard, the officer and teacher qualification etc.
  School Based Management is a step in education world to improve the quality in this sector. This is an independence form within School Based Management Concept and it will automatically make the school management and society to continue their creation and innovation as effort to improving the education in school environment.

Name              : K a n o m
Std.Number   : E1D 004 016
Class/smt.       : A / V            

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