Selasa, 13 Desember 2011



Every day event every time, we often can find many children beg for money to some one who accidentally walk or just pass the public places such as department stores, shopping center or event they beg to divers who is being stopped in the traffic light. Then they will get amount of money without doing any jobs at all. The children for money are commonly called beggars.
            Actually the child beggars have a certain power to get money when they are begging. Their power is that they can make other people feel sorry or sad with them and they hope that somebody will give them amount of money from their effort.
            In fact, child beggars beg for money because of several reasons and causes. Most of their parents are very poor and can not find their daily needs. This condition force them to beg for money as much as they can get. They said that by begging  for money, they can help their parent to find their daily needs although sometimes they can not get any money at all.
            Is there any other reason why those children beg for money? Are you sure that they beg for money because of their poverty? To answer this question you have to do any researches first! We can observe them indirectly or ask them why they beg for money. Actually the children who beg money in many public places in cities are not poor. But, they beg for money because they want to have money without asking their parents. They usually spend their money to do gambling with their friends, it’s mean that they lie and they are very afraid if their gambling is known by their parents, because their parents never give permission to them or maybe their parents will punish them.
            So, what should we do if we find any child beggars asking money to us, should we ignore them? Or give them? Actually is difficult to distinguish which child beggars are really poor and which one is not. However, we may not always give money for them because they can be lazy to work and we may give money if they really need our help.

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Every day event, we can find many children beg for money to some one who accidentally walk or just pass the public places such as department stores, shopping center or event they beg to divers who is being stopped in the traffic light. Then they will get amount of money without doing any jobs at all. The children for money are commonly called beggars.
            Actually the child beggars have a certain power to get money when they are begging. Their power is that they can make other people feel sorry or sad with them and they hope that somebody will give them amount of money from their effort.
            In fact, child beggars beg for money because of several reasons and causes. Most of their parents are very poor and can not find their daily needs. This forces condition them to beg for money as much as they can get. They said that by begging for money, they can help their parent to find their daily needs although sometimes they can not get any money at all.
            Is there any other reason why those children beg for money? Are you sure that they beg for money because of their poverty? To answer this question you have to do any researches first! We can observe them indirectly or ask them why they beg for money. Actually the children who beg money in many public places in cities are not poor. But, they beg for money because they want to have money without asking their parents. They usually spend their money to do gambling with their friends, it’s mean that they lie and they are very afraid if their gambling is known by their parents, because their parents never give permission to them or maybe their parents will punish them.
            So, what should we do if we find any child beggars asking money to us, should we ignore them? Or give them? Actually is difficult to distinguish which child beggars are really poor and which one is not. However, we may not always give money for them because they can be lazy to work and we may give money if they really need our help.

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