chapter presents the discussion about (1) Background of Study, (2) Statement of
Problem, (3) Purpose of Study, (4) Significance of Study, (5) Scopes and Limitation
of Study, (6) Definition of Key Terms.
1.1.Background of Study
Kuta is a Village located in south
Lombok, Pujut district central Lombok regency of West Nusa Tenggara province with
population about + 4000 people in year of 2009 and it predominated by Sasak
community or Sasaknese whereas they used Sasak language (base Sasak) as first
language (mother tongue) which meriaq-meriku
dialect. Because of this area have very potentials to developing of tourism
industry or hospitality industry supported by the beauty of nature with white
sand and beautiful of virgin panorama besides that also supported by custom,
culture and language which friendship societies in order this place become
tourism industry.
The development of tourism industry
in Kuta south Lombok by juridical began since 1989 with the decree of governor West
Nusa Tenggara province number: 2 in 1989, specify that there are 15 tourism
area in West Nusa Tenggara divided into 2 island which are 9 area (tourism
object) in Lombok island such as Senggigi, Gile Gede, Suranadi, Kuta, Selung Belanak, Sade (Rambitan),
Gili Indah, Rinjani Mount, and Gili Sulat. While there are 6 area (tourism
object) in Sumbawa island (Dwi Sudarsono &
friends, 1999: 4).
The existence of tourism industry
in this place has affected many sectors as such economic sector, social and
cultural, community attitude, environmental and local language (Sasak language).
The Sasak community in this place usually used Sasak language which meriaq-meriku dialect everyday in their
interaction. As basically function of language is for communication, in order
to the people or the societies in around the world use it for their
A Language is a system which
operates with symbolic vocal sounds and which is used by group of people for
the purposes of communication.
Sasak language (base Sasak) is one
of the regional or local languages in Indonesia. Sasak (which is
manifested in range of regional and social varieties) is spoken primarily by
about two million dengan Sasak ‘Sasak speakers’. Traditionally, Sasak has been
classified to have five dialects negenó-ngené
(central west coast and central east to north coast), menó-mené (around Praya, central Lombok),
ngetó-ngeté (around Suralaga and
Sembalun), kutó-kuté (around Bayan,
north part of the island), meriaq-meriku
(south central area around Bonjeruk, Sengkol and Pujut) Mahyuni (
The existence of local language (Sasak
language) especially in Kuta south Lombok and
generally in West Nusa Tenggara province, the continuity and also its
authenticity should be defending because it’s one of our ancestor heritages. It
is one of assets to developing tourism industry in Indonesia
especially in Kuta south Lombok, because of cultural and heritage is the spirit
of tourism industry in Indonesia.
Without culture the tourism industry will be insipid and dry also will not have
fascinations to be visited. In the meantime, local language is one of important
things to supporting the existence of culture. However, the tourism industries
also affect the local language especially in code switching and code mixing
Code switching and code mixing
happened because of attitudinal type, it is the background of speakers attitude
type and linguistic type, the language limitation, so that the reason to
identify role, varieties, and desires to explain and interpreting something.
Beside that there also forms of code mixing are can be (1) insertion of word,
(2) phrase, (3) clause, (4) idiom, and (5) combination between the authentic
and odd (Suwito, 1983:72).
Suwito (1982:3) stated that language as social phenomenon in its usage not only
determined by linguistic factors, but also determined by non-linguistic
factors, for example social factor and situational. The Social factor which
affect the usage of language as social status, education level, age, economic
level, gender and so on. The Situational factor influence Language, which is
whom converse, and the problem been discussed.
Language contact happened in social
situation contact; as such the situation at the time of someone learns second
language in society (Suwito, 1983:39-40). Social contact happened in every
where included in Kuta south Lombok, whereas the
community or societies have interactions each other.
The Sasak community in Kuta especially
around the tourism industry area usually used bilingual or multilingual, however
their first language is Sasak language which meriaq-meriku dialect. They used bilingual or multilingual because
of the situational factor, in order to code switching and code mixing
possibility happen in this situation.
of Problem
The problem in research study is
the main part of the research activity. After the problem of the research is identified,
the next step in conducting a research is formulating problem of study
(Arikunto, 2002:45).
Moleong (2002:61) stated that every
kind of research must have problem of study that should be solved. Without problem
of study a researcher can’t conduct a research. He also suggests every
researcher to start thinking to formulate the problem far before the research
is done. He added that there are three ways to formulate the problem of study.
They are: discussion, problem in group and proportional
Moleong prefers to use the second
type in formulating problem of study; however, based on the background of study
above the researcher in this research will apply the first type of them that is
by serving the problem in question below.
- What are the types and forms of code mixing among the Sasak community around the tourism industry area in Kuta south Lombok?
- What are the functions of code mixing among the Sasak community around the tourism industry area in Kuta south Lombok?
1.3.Purpose of Study
In general, this study is aimed at observing
the code mixing among the Sasak community around the tourism industry area. In
particularly, this study is intended to;
- Describes the types and forms of code mixing among the Sasak community around the tourism industry area in Kuta south Lombok.
- Find out the functions of code mixing among the Sasak community around the tourism industry area in Kuta south Lombok by the existence of it.
1.4. Significance of Study
The significances of this
research are expected to:
1.4.1. For the Researcher
a. The researcher will learn and know more
about code mixing. Its types, forms, factor and the function of it, among the Sasak
community around the tourism industry area in Kuta south Lombok.
b. To improve the insight or understanding about
code mixing.
c. The researcher can participate for giving
knowledge contribution related to language theory especially in code switching
and code mixing aspect or sociolinguistic aspect.
1.4.2. For the Reader and University
a. The reader will get more knowledge
about sociolinguistic aspect especially in code mixing.
b. The result of the research will be
an additional literature which can be used by the next researcher in language
and art program especially in English department of Teacher and Training
Education Faculty, Mataram
1.5. Scopes and Limitation
of Study
Scopes of study
The scope of study in this
research is the Sasak community (local society) which using Sasak language as
local language or first language (L1) or mother tongue (MT) which “meriaq-meriku” dialect in Kuta village south
Lombok, Pujut district central Lombok regency of West Nusa Tenggara province.
Limitation of Study
This study is limited
to analysis of types, forms, functions and factors of code mixing on local
language among the Sasak community only around the tourism industry area in Kuta
south Lombok.
1.6. Definition of Key Terms
Before going to further
discussion, the writer needs to define the terms and content used in this study
to avoid any possible misunderstanding and misinterpretation, and they are as follow;
Code Switching and Code Mixing
Ø Code
In this study, code will be taken as a verbal component
that can be as small as a morpheme or as comprehensive and complex as the
entire system of language. As such, the Sasak language (base Sasak) is a code,
so also is its single morpheme.
Ø Code
Appel, (in Chaer 2004:107) defined
that code switching is the process of switchovers the language action because
of the situation change.
Hymes, (in Chaer 2004:108) stated
that code switching has become a common term for alternate use of two or more
language, variety of language, or even speech styles.
Ø Code
Code-mixing is the embedding of
various linguistic units such as affixes (bound morphemes), words (unbound
morphemes), phrases and clauses from a co-operative activity where the
participants, in order to infer what is intended, must reconcile what they hear
with what they understand (Bokamba, 1989).
Local Language and Mother Language
Ø Local Language
Local language is the language that
prevalent used in a region, ethnic language, i.e. java language, Sudanese
language, Batak language (Dendy
Sugono and Friends, 2008:119)
Ø Mother Language
(Mother Tongue)
Mother language is the language
that language which was first ruled by
someone and it is always used in communicating
with family and
environment (Dendy Sugono
and Friends, 2008:119)
Tourism Industry
Tourism industry is the
corps from every kind of companies which collectively yield the services and
goods especially tourists required and travelers in general, during its
journey. (Yoeti, 1985: 9).
Other definition, Tourism
industry is an organizational formation; it can be governmental or private
sector which related in developing product and marketing a service product
which fulfilling the travelers requirement (Kusudianto, 1996:11).
Local language is
affected by other language especially in tourism industry area. The native
speakers of local language are usually bilingual or multilingual because in
this place they have interaction with varieties of people or community and
language. For this reason should use more than one language in their interactions.
After the researcher formulates the problems of this
study the researcher comes to one important process of the research that is the
process of finding related literature and information. The discussion in this
part is simultaneously about (1) Nature of Language, (2) Sociolinguistic, (3)
Local Language, (4) Code Switching and Code Mixing, (5) Tourism Industry
The Nature of Language
A Language
is a system which operates with symbolic vocal sounds and which is used by
group of people for the purposes of communication.
Anderson, (1997:35) stated that language is system,
sound, arrange from arbitrary symbols, has unique character, language is build
from our behavior, language as communication, has connected with our culture
and language is relatively.
Human being without
language seems like auto car without steer. How do we control the car if there
are no steer? If we cannot control the car, we will never arrive at the
destination. It is the illustration how important the language for human being
is. By language, we can express our ideas, feeling, desires, and emotion to
make the others understand and perhaps they will respond it if we want it.
The researcher
researches about language to understand that language and how it works, and to
understand how the people use them. Halliday (1992:20) stated that the function
of language is the people who doing something with their language such as
telling (oral) and written, listening and reading, they hoped will get many
targets or purposes. Anderson and Stageberg (1980:
26-29) divided the basic function of language into three parts: (1) informative
function, (2) expressive function, (3) directive function.
1) Informative Function
Informative function is
to communicate information which used to affirm or deny prepositions or to
present argument. These functions are described important or unimportant
things, general or particular, and any other information to be reported
2) Expressive Function
Expressive function is
used to communicate feeling or emotions (Anderson and Stageberg, 1980: 27).
Expressive function can be found in poetry which showing feeling and expression
about something.
3) Directive Function
“Language serves the
directive function when it used for the purpose of causing (or preventing)
overt action (Anderson and Stageberg, 1980: 28). This function can be commands
and requests.
There are many kind of
language uses in the world and every part of language there is structure and
role for the language it can be in
grammar, and many aspect as such
semantics, syntaxes, psycholinguistic, discourse, sociolinguistic and other.
However, every language changes and develop or maybe new term or vocabulary in
those language because of the situation and conditions.
2.2. Sociolinguistics.
Sociolinguistics is the study of language in relation to social
factors such as social class, educational level and type of education, age,
sex, ethnic origin etc
Sociolinguistics is a branch of
linguistics which studies all aspects of the relationship between language and
society. It is the study of the interplay of linguistics, social, and cultural
factors in human communication (Nessa Wolfson, 1989). Sociolinguists
study such matters as the linguistic identity of social groups, social
attitudes towards language, standard and nonstandard forms of language, the
patterns and needs of national language use, social varieties and levels of
language, the social basis of multilingualism and so on. An alternative name
for the subject (which suggests a greater concern with sociological rather than
linguistic explanation of the above) is the sociology of language.
Holmes (1992) states that sociolinguistics is the study of the relationship
between language and society. It explains why one speaks differently in
different social contexts, it concerns with identifying the social functions of
language and the ways it is used to convey social meaning. The following conversations showed how
message be expressed differently to different people.
Conversation 1.
Ray : Hi, mum.
Mum : Hi. You’re late.
Ray : Yeah, that bastard Soot bucket kept us again.
Mum : Nana’s here.
Ray : Oh sorry. Where is she?
Conversation 2.
Ray : Good morning, sir.
Principal : What are you doing here at this
Ray : Mr.
Sutton kept us in, sir.
(Holmes, 1992:1)
From both conversations
we can analyze in different situation is effect the language used. It is occurred
to every language in around the world included Indonesia
country, especially in Sasak language as local language in Kuta south Lombok,
central Lombok regency, West Nusa Tenggara province.
The following conversations showed as the both conversations above, but it is
in Sasak language “meriaq-meriku”
dialect the language that spoken by Sasak community in Kuta village south
Lombok of Lombok island.
Conversation 1.
Wini : Inaq...he..he.. (Hi mom)
Inaq Nap : Hee...kembeqm telat (hi why come late)
Wini : wah jadik jamaq sandal
siaq petoq
bastard this shoes broken)
Inaq Nap :
Inche wahntaq nini (Inhce’s here )
Wini : Oh…mbe taoqn (Oh sorry. Where is
Conversation 2.
Wini : Assalamu’alaikum!(Islamic
Sumarta : Wa’alakum salam, Apek mum gaweq nini
(Wa’alakum salam, What are you
doing here?)
Wini : Nyekeq antih Ana
waiting for Ana)
The languages can
changes because of new situation whereas it exist and used, it can be effected
of people or society in that place mastering more than one language, it can be
bilingual or multilingual. The local language maybe lost if the native speakers
did not used it again and changes into alternative language as they need and
did not teach it to their child or their generations. One of the reasons why
the language has a friction, because of there is come to this area new
There are many kinds of
language change because of new language in those places are; language shift,
language style, new vocabulary and so on, also there appear term code switching
and code mixing.
Local Language
Local language is the language that
prevalent used in a region, ethnic language, i.e. java language, Sudanese
language, Batak language (Dendy
Sugono and Friends, 2008:119)
Besides that Dendy Sugono
and Friends, (2008:119) also stated that mother language is the language that language which was first ruled by
someone and it is always used in communicating
with family and
The existence of local language in around Indonesia is
representing the part of cultures in our country and it is needs to preserve
and develop. This case is appropriated
with the base constitution of 1945 (UUD 1945), section 36 (pasal 36) stated
that; the state esteeming and protect the local languages which still using as
communication tools and preserved by societies whose used it, because that
languages is representing part of Indonesian
life which lived. So that, every speakers
of local languages move on in societies environmental which their traditions or
their association ways can be different each others. Those differences also
seen in language usage (Alwi, 2003:6).
Local language means the language
that is used by people or society in a region and also it is a first language
(mother tongue) which mastered by human being from the day of their birth and
it used to interaction each other with society or community in region, as such Sasak
language (base Sasak) in Lombok island.
Sasak language (base Sasak) is one
of the regional or local languages in Indonesia. Sasak (which is
manifested in range of regional and social varieties) is spoken primarily by
about two million dengan Sasak ‘Sasak speakers’. Traditionally, Sasak has been
classified to have five dialects negenó-ngené
(central west coast and central east to north coast), menó-mené (around Praya, central Lombok),
ngetó-ngeté (around Suralaga and
Sembalun), kutó-kuté (around Bayan,
north part of the island), meriaq-meriku
(south central area around Bonjeruk, Sengkol and Pujut) Mahyuni (
In Indonesia, there are at least 13 biggest local
languages with at least one million speakers (Crystal,
Local Language
Amount Of
from: Dr. Moedjiono,
In: The Best Practice Forum on
Access and Diversity – IGF 2009
Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.
15-18 November, 2009
Based on table above we can see
that, Sasak language as local (mother tongue, or first language L1) also
supporting the language in Indonesia,
especially in Kuta south Lombok, central Lombok
regency, West Nusa Tenggara province. Besides that the local language, we also
called it as mother tongue (MT) or first language (L1)
A first language (also native
language, arterial language,
or L1) is the language of a
human being learns from birth. The term is also used for the language that the
speakers speak best. In either case, a person's first language is a basis for sociolinguistic
Sometimes the term native
language is used to indicate a language that a person is as proficient in
as a natural-born
inhabitant of that language's "base country," or as proficient as the
average person who speaks no other language but that language. Beside that the
term mother tongue or mother language is used for the language
that a person learnt at home (usually from their parents). Children growing up
in bilingual homes can, according to this definition, have more than one mother
R. R. Tolkien in his 1955 lecture "English
and Welsh" distinguishes the "native tongue" from the
"cradle tongue," the latter being the language one happens to learn
during early childhood, while one's true "native tongue" may be
different, possibly determined by an inherited
linguistic taste, and may later in life be discovered by a strong emotional
affinity to a specific dialect (Tolkien personally confessed to such an
affinity to the Middle English of the West Midlands in particular).
Sasak language as the mother tongue
(local language) of the Sasak community in Kuta south Lombok,
the difference is not so far as other local languages in around the word as
English and so on. English becomes international language as nowadays because
the existence, because it preserved and develop by speakers. So that, Sasak
language also should be preserve as English in order to exist and develop in
Indonesia country especially in Kuta south Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara province.
To preserve and develop the local
language or mother tongue also support by international organization that is
UNESCO, 21st February has been proclaimed the International Mother Language Day
by UNESCO on 17th November 1999 so that in every 21st February we celebrate as International Mother Language
All the same, sometimes the local
language speakers are using the code switching and code mixing within their
commutations. Because, a local language will be friction when there is come one
or more new language in that place, for example in Kuta south Lombok.
In this place Sasak community used the Sasak language as local language (mother
tongue or first language), however in their daily communications often used the
code switching and code mixing. They used the both them since the tourism
industry exist in this place.
Code Switching
and Code Mixing
The discussion about code switching
usually included discussing about code mixing. Both of them happened in
bilingual society and both is similarity in order to it’s difficult to differentiate
(Chair & Agustina, 2004:114). The similarity code switching and code mixing
is both of them used in bilingual or multilingual or two variant from a
language in one community speech.
Code switching and code-mixing are
well-known traits in the speech pattern of the average bilingual in any human
society the world over.
Several scholars have attempted to
define code-switching and code-mixing. Among them are Amuda (1989), Atoye
(1994) and Belly (1976). For instance, Hymes (1974) defines only code-switching
as “a common term for alternative use of two or more languages, varieties of a
language or even speech styles” while Bokamba (1989) defines both concepts
Code-switching is the mixing of
words, phrases and sentences from two distinct grammatical (sub) systems across
sentence boundaries within the same speech event… code-mixing is the embedding
of various linguistic units such as affixes (bound morphemes), words (unbound
morphemes), phrases and clauses from a co-operative activity where the
participants, in order to infer what is intended, must reconcile what they hear
with what they understand.
ü Code
In this study, code will be taken as a verbal component
that can be as small as a morpheme or as comprehensive and complex as the
entire system of language. As such, the Sasak language (base Sasak) is a code, so also is its
single morpheme.
ü Code
Appel, (in Chaer 2004:107) defined
that code switching is the process of switchovers the language action because
of the situation change.
Hymes, (in Chaer 2004:108) stated
that code switching has become a common term for alternate use of two or more
language, variety of language, or even speech styles.
ü Code Mixing
Code-mixing is the embedding of
various linguistic units such as affixes (bound morphemes), words (unbound
morphemes), phrases and clauses from a co-operative activity where the
participants, in order to infer what is intended, must reconcile what they hear
with what they understand (Bokamba, 1989).
Nababan (1984:32) stated that code
mixing is the mixing of symptom two or more language manner in a language
action which in communication situation has gets the bilingual mixing.
Code mixing happened because the
effect of mixing process in second language mastered, because by differences
system of first and second language from the speaker.
The existence of tourism industry
in Kuta south Lombok affect the local language
especially in both of them (code switching and code mixing). As basic function
of language is for communication, so that the people or the society in this
area has communicate more than one language in everyday.
Generally, in Indonesia without
exception in Kuta south Lombok are used or mastering minimally two languages
that is local language and national language (Bahasa Indonesia), so that by the
existence of those industry required to used multilingualism. By the using more
than one language, affects them to use the code switching and code mixing, as
conversation follow;
Amaq Geboh : Lamun edaq tourist keq no money jarinen
If no
tourist - no
money become -
(if there are no tourists, there will be
no money)
Sumarta : Ole lasing…bro,.. laguq by the way mbe motor bikem?
That right brother but by the way where motor bike your?
(That’s right brother, by the way where is
your motor bike?)
Amaq Geboh: lampaq, baruq mornig-mornig araq tamu
bro.. he..he..!
Walk recently morning there is guest brother - !
rented, there is guest this morning!)
Sumarta : Oh….ok iku keqn side
ok that – you
(Oh that’s good for you)
From those conversation we can know
that how the people or society used code switching and code mixing in their
daily life, because of the existence of tourism industry whereas delivering
many tourist it can be domestics or international tourist with their varieties
language and culture.
Suwito (1982:3) stated that Language as social phenomenon in its usage not only
determined by linguistic factors, but also determined by non-linguistic
factors, for example social factor and situational. Social factors which affect
the usage of language as such in social status, education level, age, economic
level, gender and so on. Situational factor influencing Language, which is whom
converse, and the problem been discussed.
Language contact happened in social
situation contact; as such the situation at the time of someone learns second
language in society (Suwito, 1983:39-40). Besides that social contact also
happen in Kuta south Lombok, whereas the
people or society in that place guiding or explain something to the tourist,
especially international tourists. In this situation possibility to used the
code switching and code mixing.
The code switching happened
sometimes because of attitudinal type, it’s the background of speakers attitude
type and linguistic type, the language limitation, so that the reason to
identify role, varieties, and desires to explain and interpreting something.
Beside that there also forms of code mixing are can be (1) insertion of word,
(2) phrase, (3) clause, (4) idiom, and (5) combination between the authentic
and odd (Suwito, 1983:72).
Suwito, (in Hadijah, 2009:15-18)
stated that several factors that usually causes of code mixing happened are;
(1) speaker, (2) opponent speak (speaking partner), (3) the attending of third
speaker, (4) topic, (5) awakening humor, (6) for prestige, (7) language, (8)
situation, and (9) habit.
Based on several factors as mention
above, there are also factors of code switching and code mixing in Kuta south Lombok. It is happened because of situations in this
place; by the existence of tourism industry makes the situation whereas it
By the situation factor the code
switching and code mixing happen whereas the speakers of local language in this
place use more than one language. So that between speaker, second speakers also
attending of third speaker it’s cannot avoid the possibility code switching and
code mixing uses. Besides that, if something that done continually little by
little will be habitual actions.
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