Jumat, 09 Desember 2011


Name : Kanom


            Clitic is a form resembles a word, but which can not be use its own as normal utterance because its structurally dependent on a neighboring word in a construction ( it host). English clitic are I’m, She’s ( the contracted form of be) (crystal 1994)
            Furher Spencer ( 1995)  add that clitic are function words, such modals participle, Conductions, pronominal, or auxiliary verbs. Here also the definition of clitic, Clitic is morph syntaxes process of forming  the elements grammatical with clitic as the forming sticky on the base form.  The form of clitic it can meant within tied form because it always stick on the base form. However, if we analyses  from the meaning, clitic has features because has lexical meaning.
            The form of clitic in Dawan language had base form  of verb and adjective or nominalization and both of them. In Dawan language we can find two kinds of clitic there were Proclitization and Enclitization.
  1. Proclitic.
Proclitic is the process of add the clitic on the early base form
Example :
Ø       Au?      ?aen                                       au    ?ait     upun
I am study                                            I take mango
Ø       Ho maen                                            ho  mait  upun
You are study                                   you are take mango
Ø       In  naen                                             in  nait upun
He/she study                                                he/she take mango
Ø       Hit taen                                              hit  tait upun
We are study                                     we are take mango
Within consecution that had seen morpheme sticky appears ?, m, n, and t which sticky on verb. The sticky morphemes that seen which regularly relate by perpetrator objector  which the function as subject. same thing go into effect also if its in the form of adjective. Like following example
Ø       au?                                                     Ho meot
I am thin.                                            You are thin
Ø       in nmeot                                            hit  tmeot
she/he is thin                                    we are thin
the form of that clitic always relate on the subject the sentence, in form of clitic is just the voice which pronounce at the end with add or not voice.
            The form of clitic or proclitic actually representing change of allomorph. In form of proclitic it just pronounce is glottal voice  ? so that proclitic will be occur if the subject is in the form of first persona, which predicate is verb, adjective or phrase preposition as following example.

Base form of verb                             Base form of Adjective
Ø       au?                 ?sosa             - au?               ?hae
I                       sell                              - I                     tired
            (I am selling)                         ( I am tired)
Ø       au?                 ?tuntauk sin  - au?               ?meon
I  assist them                         - I am thirsty  
Ø       au?     ?tui                                         - au?               ?pok
I am writing                                        - I am fat        

Base form of preposition

Ø       au?   ?bi  nine tasi ( I am at sea front)
Ø       au? ?bi  ume ( I am at home)
Ø       au?  ?eo  nasi (I am to the forest)
  1. Proclitic  m- ‘ you,’ we ’ the form of clitic actually form of homonym from three morphemes, that as form of clitic relate on first persona plural hai= haim ‘ we “, form of proclitic which relate on second persona singular ho = hom ‘ you ‘ and the last one is which relate on persona plural hi = him ‘ you ‘ we can see at the following example :
I.     Proclitics m, as first persona plural
  1. Hai maen  ( we are running )
  2. Hai malil ( we are brightening up/happy)
  3. Hai mkae ( we are crying)
  4. Hai  makue ( we are tired)
  5. Hai mnao ( we are going )
  6. Hai mahae( we are diligent)                      
II.   Proclitics m, as second persona singular
Ø       Ho maen ( you are running )
Ø       Ho meo nasi ( you are to the forest )
Ø       Ho meon ( you are thirsty )
Ø       Ho mbe ume ( you at home )
Ø       Ho  msoi  sulat ( you read the letter)
Ø       Ho muko soe ( you come from soe)
III.  Proclitic m- ‘ you ‘ as second persona plural
It occur if the subject  is form of the second persona plural hi = you  the proclitic m with this position is same as other proclitic, m- is sticky on predicate which form verb, adjective, or preposition
Ø       Hi mno ( you are going )
Ø       Hi mbi Mataram ( you are In Mataram)
Ø       Hi mkae(you are crying)
Ø       Hi muko le’I ( you are here )
Ø       Hi mfios sin ( you are hit them )
Ø       Hi meo au ume ( you are come at my house )
Ø       Hi mpok ( you are fat )
Ø       Hi mbae ( you are tired)
The form of m- we, you, this often had variation m become mu or mi. That variation occur is not symptom of phonology, but  symptom of morphology that stick just on base certain form. If the form of persona which preceding is ho’ you’ the certain word will used the mu form
Example :
Î Ho muko le’i ( you are here)
Î Ho museku anfan ( you look at behind )
Î Ho nuhan ( you cook)
Î Ho mutam ( you input)
Î Ho mukeo au oli ( you invite My young sister/brother)
And if the subject is hai ‘we’ the word muko ‘ from ‘; musneku ‘see’ ; nuhan ‘cook’; mutam‘input’; mukeo’invite’; will be variation with n chose proclitic mi so that it become miko, misneku, mihan, mitam, and mikeo, as following exaple:
¯  Hai miko le’i(we are here)
¯  Hai misneku( we are see at behind )
¯  Hi miko ( you from here)
¯  Hi misneku ( you seen at the behind)
¯  Hai mikeo au oli ( we invite my young sister/brother)
¯  Hi mitam( you are input….)
The form proclitic m ‘ you, we that also often had variation become am, this variation just occur as process utterance so that arbitrary
Example :
j       Mbi = ambi ( at,on)
j       Mbeke = =ambeke ( palsied)
j       Mtel = =amtel( steeping on )
j       Mken = =amken( shooting)
Addition of the voice /a/ especially on the word which single syllable
IV. Proclitic n- ‘he/she, they
That proclitic actually allomorph third persona singular of in ‘ he/she’ or sin ‘ they ‘ within the second morpheme that just one phoneme and that is /n/ same other proclitic n also sticky on base form  like verb, adjective, or preposition twith the function as predicate.
j       In nmakoe ( she/he diligent )
j       Sin nmakoe ( they are diligent )
j       In ntui ( he/she writing)
j       Uisfa n nfa npoi ( the king is going out)
j       Sin npoi ( they are goin out )
j       In am au olif nbi ume ( he/she and my young sister /brother at home)
j       Sin neo nasi ( they are at forest)
Proclitic n ‘she/he’ they’ often had variation become na or an as following example ;
j       In nako kafemenanu ( he from kafemenanu)
j       In olif neoak nok au olif ( she/his young sister/brother meet with my sister/brother)
j       Sin natetan( they are rob)
Form proclitic n – she/he also had variation become an – that occur because present the fluently voice /a/ which preceding of it.
Example :
+ ntup = =antup ( sleep)
+ nbi = =anmbi ( at,oan)
+ nbinen === anbinen( war)
V.   Proclitization
Same as the proclitic before, proclitic t – occur on the word with the function as predicate which verb form, adjective, or peposition. The form of proclitic t – ‘we’ representing the allomorph first personal plural hit ‘ we ‘ with the process just pronounce the voice in the end , so that this proclitization occur if the subject is first persona plural, same as the form of other proclitics
+ Hi tbi tasi ( we in out side )
+ Hi tsai maf (we stroking tongue)
+ Hi tneti hapen( we clean spit)
Form of proclitic t – ‘ we’ is also have variation become ta –
Example ;
+ Hi tatuis ( we meet)
+ Jo tatois ( we followed)
+ He tatefen ( we meet0
Proclitic t- also change or has variation become at
Example :
+ Tsai == atsai ( we clean)
+ Tneti == atneti (we cleaned )
+ Tsae == atsae (we climb )
+ Tbi == atbi ( on/at)
 In dawan language there are two kind of enclization are enclitization on verbal bitransitive and nominal enclitization which the subject is nominal berpesona ar pronominal persona and the predicate related nominal indetification of the subject
1.    Enclclitic in verb
Same as proclitics the form of enclitic related to persona and the form is the form of personal pronominal. The difference is the form of enclitics is not anaforik , but kataforik that is representing to persona which follow it as the second object.
Example :
^ Oli aku ntuina sulat ( my young sister/brother is write at letter)
^ In ntuim hom sulat ( he/she write the your letter )
^ In ntui? Kau sulat ( he/she write my letter)
The form na- he/she as allomorph from in .that is not element  of  by in action but with the representative related to persona that mention in font of in the location of persona is can be changed
+ in ntuina sulat                      ena
( he/she write letter for mother)
            clitic an seen with clearly related to ena ( mother)
from the data verb sentence is very productive is enclitics persona simple form n== -an he/she,they. Enclitic single persona also can we got in form ? but it less productive.
In structure of sentence bellow encliticzation-n is an anaforik
+ ‘ sbo nim amneo am nep  fa’ot tatefen an be oe hala’ 
( sbo nim amneo and nep fa’ot m contact in oe hala)
+ hiti tatuin                   sin

(we follow them)
+ si natonan     fa         nai      toto

( they inform that matter to grand father Toto)

* Cliticzation in Bungku language  *
the form of clitic in bungku language that language in Palu central Sulawesi are same with cliticlization in Dawan language there are proclitic and enclitic
a.    Proclitic.
Example :
Ku +    tade                                                    kutade
            (Stand)                                               (I stand)
            ala                                                       kuala
            (take )                                                 (I take)
to +      faliti                                                     tofaliti
            ( go home)                                         they are go home )
            ronto                                                   Toronto
            ( run)                                                  (they are run)
ndo + leu                                                       ndoleu
            coming                                               they are coming
mahaki                                               ndomahaki
sick                                                     they are sick 
mi +     tade                                                    mitade
            stand                                                  they stand
b.   Enclitic
There are enclitics –nku , -mu ,no, nto and ndo
Example :
+ Raha                          + - nko                                    rahanku
(house)                                                                      (my house)
+ Manu                          + - mu                                     manumu
Han                                                                            your han
+ Lambu                        + - no                                      lambuno
Shirt/t-shirt                                                                 your t-shirt/shirt
+ Raha                          + - nto                                     rahanto
House                                                                                    ours house
+ Umturu                       + - ndo                                    imurundo
Age                                                                             ther age
Safu                                                                           safundo
Sarong                                                                       their sarong
Ina                                                                              inando
Mother                                                                        their mother

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